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Why Do I Still Have Acne in My 40s?

Aug 05, 2024
Why Do I Still Have Acne in My 40s?
Acne is bad enough in your teenage years. But it’s downright frustrating and embarrassing when it occurs in adulthood. If you’re still struggling with your complexion in your 40s, here’s what you need to know.

People often think of teenagers when the subject is acne. However, puberty isn’t the only thing behind those pesky breakouts. 

In reality, many of the factors that trigger adolescent breakouts cause acne in adults as well. That means people of all ages can deal with this frustrating skin problem.

But the expert team at Limmer Dermatology in San Antonio, Texas, can help.

In this blog, learn why acne can continue into adulthood and how to find effective treatment. 

Acne basics

When we talk about acne, we’re referring to a specific category of skin issues that includes blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads. 

These lesions can appear anywhere, especially on the face, chest, and back. In severe cases, nodules and cysts can also form underneath the skin. When this occurs, they can cause permanent scarring.

Generally speaking, acne that occurs at every age is due to four specific factors:

  • Excess oil production
  • Skin cells clogging pores
  • Bacteria
  • Inflammation

However, indirect factors influence this list as well. These include products that can clog pores, diets that increase inflammation, stress, hormones, and certain medications. The menstrual cycle can also impact oil production.

Fortunately, you can often get acne under control at any age with the right strategy.

Lifestyle changes to reduce acne

If you’re struggling with acne in adulthood, there are strategies to reduce your chances of breakouts. The first line of defense includes lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Not going to bed with makeup on
  • Avoiding hair or facial products containing oil
  • Using products that won’t clog pores, often labeled oil-free or non-comedogenic
  • Cleansing with a gentle product no more than twice a day

Some studies also show a nutritious diet filled with fruits and vegetables and low in processed food, sugar, and dairy could help reduce breakouts. 

However, some adult acne responds best to a combination of lifestyle strategies and medical interventions — and that’s where our team can help.

Medical solutions for acne

Your Limmer Dermatology provider performs a comprehensive skin evaluation to develop a treatment strategy personalized to your unique needs.

Common methods we use to manage this challenging skin condition include:

We can also offer guidance on the best skin care strategy to keep breakouts at bay, including the ideal cleansing products and approaches to keep your skin in peak condition. 

Are you ready to get your adult acne under control? Contact Limmer Dermatology by phone or online today to learn more about our comprehensive skin care treatments.